It's been a hot minute...

The last cosmetic procedure I did were my veneers but the last time I was with Dr. Kim was a nose job revision.

I looked into this procedure 5 years back but I wasn’t super eager and kind of forgot about it, I guess it wasn’t as needed at the time. The older you get the space between your nose and your mouth get longer

I always do a plastic surgery check in my mind. I’m in a very good place in my life where I am content and very happy with the way I look. However, I did kind of see something missing or a vast space around my mouth area. I told Dr. Kim that when I get done getting ready for an evening out, I saw a vastness, not masculine but could be more feminine.

Since I am older, calmer, more careful and refuse to look crazy… I was super cautious with this decision.

No question Dr Kim was going to be my surgeon, he will always be my Plastic Surgeon.

We did the surgery on Monday, November 13th, under local anesthesia and it was as easy as one, two, three.

Philtrum Reduction aka Upper Lip Lift

My Uber driver :))

My skin was so dry bc they make you come clean faced.

I asked Dr.Kim for a pic of my skin he cut off.

Dr. Kim decided to put the skin back on my face for he pic!

Love!! Look how insanely clean his incisions are.

First night home…

First morning, very swollen.

Of course I went out :))

I HAD to share with you, my amazing blog family! There was no way I was going to carry on and not tell you all. I needed to. I was like…kinda putting off posting pics of me on my blog bc I felt like I was cheating or not being truthful to my people. I posted some but needed to get this post out stat.

Anyway…the craziest thing…I have not worked out for 4 weeks per doctor’s order. I started this Monday but you better believe I’ve been watching everything I eat.

This surgery is so bizarre…If I never said anything you would never know but it makes you look so much more cuter, younger and different. I even look different to myself whenI look in the mirror yet it’s so minor.

Fucking LOVE.

SK Plastic Surgery


Tell Mina I sent you.




GivingSeason :))