Catalina Su Catalina Su


Hello Catalina, I was a avid reader of your blog ten years ago. At the time I was 24, and I learned so much thank to you. I was so inspired by you!
Ten years later, I suddenly though of you and came back to your blog. I am so happy you kept it going, it still inspires me. I was wondering if you could give some tips on how to get back on track physically and mentally when you know you got a bit lost? Thank you so much!
Best, As

Hi As,

Thank you for your note and would love to help in any way I can. I think it is safe to say that it happens and it can be difficult. When I was low, I would pray not for answers or solutions but I would pray to not lose hope. I think hope is what keeps the human spirit beautiful and it is the engine that keeps us moving forward in the lightest, most pure way. Then, understanding and knowing that what you are going through, you are meant to go through.

If you’re in a lighter predicament then get organized. Small steps, write it down and cross it off.

Exercise, move. You must move.

You must make changes to change your life. It is so cliche but it is 100% true and it WORKS.

Hope this helps in any way. Sending you love & hope. X

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